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Ohu Motuhake

About Us

Tā tātou whāinga

(Our mission)

The Government’s response to the He Ara Oranga report on Mental Health and Addiction included the creation of a platform to share innovative practices and foster improvements in mental health and addiction services for all New Zealanders. Te Whāriki o te Ara Oranga (Whāriki) is a response to this call.

Te Tiriti-based and sector-owned, Whāriki is accelerating improvements in mental health, wellbeing and equity in Aotearoa. Whāriki provides a metaphorical mat, where the sector unites to weave innovative solutions together, to support and prioritise equitable, just outcomes in Aotearoa. Together, our weavers share their kōrero of services, models. Whāriki provides a forum for kaimahi who are tika and pono, supporting health equity by:

  • Supporting the kaimahi Māori and Lived Experience workforce to design, lead and deliver systems and services that work well for people
  • Supporting Pākehā and non-Māori workforce to be culturally safe and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations
  • Amplifying the voices and mahi of kaimahi Māori, lived experience and kaupapa Māori models
  • Championing social justice by honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi in action and sharing knowledge and models that support equitable health outcomes for Māori
  • Challenging and disrupting systems that are not serving social justice and equity, and finding solutions together
  • Being sector led and responsive to the needs of the workforce
  • Connecting people and services across the motu for collective impact and learning.

An online platform helps members make connections to share their experiences, resources, and practical examples of how they are delivering services differently. Whāriki supports talent, drive, and new ways of thinking by identifying great models and services that already exist.

Be part of change

Nau mai, haere mai, join us in weaving a network and movement where we connect, collaborate and create systems that support people to be well and thrive in Aotearoa.

Key kaupapa

  • Workforce
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • Expanding Access and Improving Choice

Alongside our key focus themes Whāriki are pleased to extend the kaupapa in the following areas to inspire and support workforce development and innovation.

Our Kaupapa

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • Cultural safety
  • Haumi allies
  • Disrupting institutional racism


  • Māori change makers & innovation (tools and models)
  • Lived experience
  • Rangatahi

Tika Tangata

  • Human rights
  • Mental Health Act
  • Least restrictive practice
  • Social justice
  • Lived experience
  • Disability services

E kore e taea e te whenu kotahi
Ki te raranga i te whāriki
Kia mohio tātou ki a tātou
Ma te mahi tahi o ngā whenu, ma te mahi tahi o ngā kairaranga, ka oti tēnei whāriki

The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone.
Only by the working together of strands, and the working together of weavers, will such a tapestry be completed.


He Ara Oranga called for a system focused on wellbeing that makes the most of existing talent and builds capability and relationships. Whāriki responds to this call – a dynamic, working network to share innovation and learning. It recognises systemic change cannot occur in isolation, and that the sector has an exciting opportunity to create real change.

The Ministry of Health has engaged Te Pou to develop and support Whāriki and is working with the Health Quality and Safety Commission on this programme.


  • Build relationships with others making a difference
  • Be inspired by innovation across Aotearoa
  • Accelerate learning through access to successful initiatives
  • Lead transformation
  • Find resources, people & events to support your work & team
  • Profile excellence in your communities

The Whāriki Whānau

Whakapā mai, we’d love to hear from you

Whāriki is all about creating connections and communicating. Get in touch with us at or fill in the form.

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Whāriki is part of the Wise Group. Copyright ©2024