Groundwork: Facilitating Change
July 4, 2024

Groundwork aims to create positive, enduring change in Aotearoa. We work to realise the potential of Te Tiriti o Waitangi – a harmonious Aotearoa in which tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti thrive.
We are a Pākehā-led organisation, working under the guidance of both tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti. We respond to the call from tangata whenua to educate our people about Te Tiriti.
We provide engaging and accessible Te Tiriti workshops for individuals and organisations.
We support organisations to understand and apply Te Tiriti o Waitangi by providing workshops, as well as mentoring for those leading organisational transformation. We work with organisations on Te Tiriti strategy, implementation and evaluation, and we create relevant and accessible resources to guide organisations in this work.
We produce a range of resources (including podcasts and a book) for tangata Tiriti to understand their role and how to take effective action for Te Tiriti honouring change. Te Tiriti explainer and Te Tiriti conversation guide are examples.