In 2016, three individuals—two mums and a local police officer—came together to form a support group for families impacted by methamphetamine addiction.
Expanding Access and Improving Choice
E koekoe te Tui, e ketekete te Kaka, e kuku te Kererū
Insights into explanatory factors, treatment experiences, and recovery for Māori with eating disorders
He Aka Hui: He taonga nō te mamae: kia ora ai i te waranga | Treasures from the pain: pathway of life through addiction
Whāriki hosts a powerful panel of lived experience kaikōrero, sharing their journeys through addiction, recovery, and transformation.
He Aka Hui | Leadership in Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
The second of three professional development workshops in our series "Autism, Neurodiversity, and FASD: Barriers and Pathways to a Good Life," co-hosted by Te Pou, Whariki, and NZDSN
He Aka Hui | Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua: Autism and Neurodiversity Trends and Potential
The first of three professional development workshops in our series "Autism, Neurodiversity, and FASD: Barriers and Pathways to a Good Life," co-hosted by Te Pou, Whariki, and New Zealand Disability...
Just a Thought: Easy to access online cognitive behavioural therapy and psychological tools
Just a Thought is a digital mental health service dedicated to providing every New Zealander with free, highly effective online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) courses and psychological tools at a...
Taranaki Retreat: Space to Breathe
Taranaki Retreat is a volunteer-driven, peer-led, trauma-informed collaborative suicide prevention initiative, where people who are losing hope can experience the depth and reality of the compassion of their community and...
Multi-Agency Mental Health Co-Response Team: Police, ambulance and mental health services co-attending 111 mental health calls.
The Wellington Multi-Agency Co-Response Team (CRT) has been operating for over 18 months. It is a frontline operational team involving Police, DHB Mental Health Professionals and an Ambulance Paramedic. The...
Te Hurihanga ō Rangatahi | The Youth Hub
Collaboration is the new story for this time. Co-operation replaces competition and working for meaning and usefulness replaces money and power. The Youth Hub Christchurch is a project that will...
Mana Ake
Mental health and wellbeing is an increasing challenge in Aotearoa. Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow supports tamariki aged 5-12 by intervening early when wellbeing or mental health concerns arise,...