Māori Navigate Leadership Programme (South Canterbury District Health Board)
July 31, 2024

In July 2020, the Director of Māori Health for the South Canterbury District Heath Board (SCDHB) and Dr Ballard Pritchett from Navigate, delivered a three-month Māori Navigate Leadership Programme. This leadership programme was aimed to illuminate, accelerate and multiply leadership capability and capacity amongst our Māori health workforce and strengthen our relationship and connection with our Māori community. This programme endorsed a distributive leadership philosophy, in that every employee is a leader in their own right.
The leadership programme, was fully funded by SCDHB that was free and open to anyone from the community to enrol. We wanted to create a space to come together as a whole community to wānanga, through promoting values of aroha, inclusion, mana motuhake and whakarangatirahia.
The leadership programme consisted of three monthly wānanga, held over a weekend at Arowhenua marae. In-between monthly wānanga, ākonga were placed into smaller teams and attended weekly hui, that were facilitated by current Māori health leaders within the SCDHB. A key objective of this leadership programme was to develop and deliver personal, professional or cultural projects. We were supported at the wānanga by kaumātua and current Māori health leaders that included Fiona Pimm, Suzy Waaka, Ruth Garvin, Helen Leahy, Dean Rangihuna and Upoko Rūnaka Tewera King.
Key outcomes from this leadership programme, included the development of multiple projects and relationships built across the sector and community.
For more information contact Joseph Tyro